Annual Report 2024

Blumenthal, January 2024

Dear Yanomami friends,
there is a lot of good news to report from last year 2024.

After a lecture hold in Garda the year before last I came into contact with Sofia Koverich, a young Italian woman who escorted me to the Yanomami during last year. Together with a Brazilian workteam and the Yanomami from Pukima we intended to build another medical station.
Chief Hepolito had been appleying for many years for such a medical station so the medical nurses could be stationed continuously in their village.
As opposed to last time I didn’t have any problem to get a pair of walky-talkies through the customs. Quite to the contrary: the young customs officer who had heard of the Yanomami wished me all the best and good luck with my work in the jungle.

Einkauf in Manaus mit Sofia

Shopping in Manaus with Sofia

As usual we started our works in Manaus with the purchase of the material for the buildung as well as all the tools like nails, screws, chain saw, roofing and food enough for a couple of months. In the course of all this I showed Sofia the beautiful harbour of Manaus with all the small shops I know for so many years. As for roofing I decided on roof panes made of recycled plastic bottles, they were light, rustic and nice to look at.

Herzliches Wiedersehen mit Alberta

A warm welcome to Alberta

More than 40 cases and boxes were loaded into the cargo room of the Amazonas river boat Gênesis. The roofing was shipped by an extra freighter via Rio Ngro to Santa Isabel. Because of the unusual long lasting drought the river was very shallow which made a lot of sandbanks to pop up and difficult to manhuvre. Arriving In Santa Isabel we were welcomed by Yanomami of the Rio Marauías and Alberta, head of the Health Authority SESAI.

It took a few days to assemble a good local work team willing to work with us for a couple of months in the Jungle. It included the old  Jarbas, Edeval and the brothers Gilson and Lucas.
The river Marauía had 4 cascades which were due to the drought extremely dangerous to navigate. So we got the fantastic offer from Alberta to fly our material and luggage by bushplane into Yanomami region. We’d never had such valuable support from the Health Authority before.

Before takeoff Sofia and myself decided to take a small starlink-appliance along. These internet arials, working over sattelites, should give us the possibility to call for help in case of emergency. We agreed to use internet only for work.

Mit dem Buschflugzeug ins Yanomami-Gebiet

By bush plane to the Yanomami territory

With Hepolito I discussed the building of the health station going by the building plan. It should have the size 12 m x 13 m, sufficient room, for treatment and microscopy, kitchen, bath room and 2 rooms for nursing staff as well as a wide cosy terrace for a hammock.

In all it should have the same dimensious as our health station in Mavaquita in the Orinoco region in Venezuela because there it proved its worth.

Completion of the 4th infirmary

Große Freude nach den Rodungsarbeiten

Great joy after the clearing work

Sofia auf dem Rio Negro

Sofia on the Rio Negro

Sofia was interested in everything and held good contact with everyone straigth away. Within a week she was able to have a fluent conversation in Portuguese with local Brazilians: she is a language genius.

In the Yanomami village of Marauía I saw an exact copy of our health station in Papiú Kayanau being built there during last year.

The health authority later told me that also the village Amajari had gotten the same health station. It’s nice to know when my ideas and work for further helth stations were being adopted.

The work in Pukima run smoothly, the Yanomami were very keen on helping us and showed the workers the approperiate trees they needed. A bit more laborious was the preperation of the building site.

Unsere Krankenstation in Papiú

Our health station in Papiú

What used to be thick jungle at the outskirt of the village had to be cleared by chain saw and machetes. It also needed to remove the roots in oder to prevent a tree growing through the health station.

With the first cut timber the frame was built, then the roof layed and thus protected the rest of the wood was stacked upright in order to dry. The Yanomami supplied us every so often with fish and game. During the building time we slept in our hammocks next to the Yanomami families.

The work team of Infra (ministry for infrastructure) of Francisco Cardoso from Boa Vista – after our departure – was to build the walls with the dried wood and also put in plain doors and windows. It all went great.

Nachgebaute Krankenstation in Marauía

Reconstructed health station in Marauía

For the health station a pump to filter water was installed working with solar energy. Fantastic! The whole building even got a nice green coat of pint inside and outside.

Unfortunately on my last day there I got cought by malaria with high fiver, shivering fits and extreme pain of the joints.

I didn’t want it to be true at first but a blood test by Marciel – Yanomami microscopist from Pukima – proved it.

Yanomami versorgen uns mit Wildschwein

Yanomami supply us with wild boar

He gave me the proper medication which of course I swallowed.

On the way back I was so weak I was Laying like a dead fish in the canoe. Back in Manaus Sofia was struck with malaria. I took her sraight to the Tropical Hospital where she was treated at once.

Und schon wieder hat mich eine Malaria erwischt

And once again I have malaria

Back in our health station it turned out the roof wasn’t reaching down far enough at the sides. With strong rain and wind water was getting insiside. So it needes some mprovements which I planned for the end of the year.

Some more furniture also was needed like tables, benches and shelves. I had planned there rest works to accomplish in autumn together with Marcão.

He’s the first Yanomami in the Amazone region who can handle a chain saw. I know him from Ixima as the little boy who didn’t fancy school and rather worked with us building our first health sation.

Marcão sägte Holz für die Krankenstation

Marcão sawed wood for the health station

But only a few weeks after my return from Brazil on a lecture in Italy I was struk with another bout of malaria with all its nasty appearances, it even included puking.  My familiy doctor advised me strongly to lay off to another visit to the Yanomami. This beeing my eighth bout of malaria means that my body developed a resistence against the medication and I’d better start worrying about my own health.
When I told Sofia she offered herself together with Russ, a young clever workman from Nebraska, to finish the job. I was quite pleased as I know she can handle the job. She’s a good organizer, a creative thinker and already had made a lot of contacts. Everybody liked her.

Comment of Sofia Koverich in her own words

Sofia mag die Yanomami

Sofia likes the Yanomami

„The trip to visit theYanomami is long, winding and against the current, yet when we arrived I felt the connection with the people was both strong and naturally simple.

The work was demanding and required a lot of our attention and constant focus on problem solving but despite this, everyday we carved some time to dance and sing with the Yanomami of Pukima Beira who enjoyed it very much and were always asking for more.

There is a lot we can learn from the Yanomami, and there is a lot they wish to learn from us as well, overall it has been a beautiful and synergetic experience. Both us and theYanomami left hoping to spend even more memories together.“

Comment of Russ Cubrich
I feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to support the Yanomami, working to complete the construction of the new healthcare station.

We were received very kindly by the xapono of Pukima Beira and by the end of our time there, I really felt like a member of the community.

Russ genoss die Zeit bei den Yanomami

Russ genoss die Zeit bei den Yanomami

Our days were full and busy but there were also many moments to enjoy the beauty of the rainforest and life in the xapono. Bathtime in the river was a highlight of each day. I brought a banjo and enjo- yed playing songs for children and adults. Sofia and I did many little performances with song and dance. The Yanomami liked it so much.
There were some nice moments for me to teach a little about carpentry work, showing the older boys
how to use a hand saw properly.
I loved experiencing the flow of life in the xapono, seeing the animals and fish the Yanomami hunted, the fruits and planted they foraged and grew, and their knowledge of the rainforest.

With a Mini-Starlink – which works even into the deepest corner of the jungle – I was in touch with the two of them and in case of problems I could give them – hopefully – some advice.

Einweihungsfest der neuen Krankenstation

Inauguration ceremony of the new health station

At the party of inauguration in Janurary chief Hepolito held an emotional thank-you speach that really touched me. Sofia and Russ send me some small videos from the party and merry dancing Yanomami in the new health station.

The next project

Three villages at Rio Marauia asked me if we could supply them from the Yanomami-Hilfe e.V. with some walky-talkies working on solar energy and batteries. Even though some villages do have internet via starlink arials owned by Elon Musk they don’t want to depend completely on him. Sould be shut it off for whatever reason they’d have no communication. They realized this by themselves. Clever! Walkiy-Talkies always work and don’t cost monthly expensive fees. Which leeds me to you,

dear friends of Yanomami-Hilfe e.V.
It’s only through your financial support we were able to pull through all those projects. Building material, tools, roofing, communication devices, solar facilities, batteries, salaries for the workmen: all this costs a lot of money and even Brazil is not excluded from inflation. I’d like to express my sincere thanks to all friends and donators of our Yanomami Hilfe e.V., which enabled me to save and solid planning. This of course includes all single donors, supporters, firms, organisations and schools.

Single donors and supporters of Yanomami-Hilfe e.V.
Dr. Elisabeth Albert, Helmut Barthel, Wolfgang Baumüller und Regina Häusler, Margot Bausewein, Kerstin Bensch, Kathrin Beutin, Friedhilde und Rolf Brandt, Sabine und Fritz Bremer, Petra und Jörg Bonin, Rudolf Brunner, Andree Drees, Andrea Fischer-Bickert und Stefan Bickert, Gesche Felgentreff, Monika Maria Gernert, Andreas Gruber, Ferdinand Guttenberg, Angelika Heinsen, Jan Henselder, Veronica Huber, Simon Huber, Johanna Hutmacher, Sinje Kätsch, Hans Hinrich Kahrs, Mirjam Keck, Monika Kienass, Christian Kotte, Henning Köhlert, Christhard Kotte, Francesco Kovarich, Wolfgang Krieger, Dagmar und Bodo Kuhnhenn, Elfi und Volker Lindner, Alexander Mater, Julia Melzner, David Muchau, Michi und Marianne Müller, Jens und Anna Otto, Elfriede Pabst, Markus Pfeifer, Eva Piest, Ricarda Quick, Ute Rafflenbeul-Dormeyer, Frieder Riedel, Jens Riepen, Anne- Katrin Roever-Plagmann, Katrin v. Scheven und Tom Avsic, Giesela Schmieder, Jasmin Seddigh-Raig und Dr. Wolfgang Raig, Herbert und Marion Strauss Barthel, Alessandro Rocco und Fatma, Matthias Uphus, Dietmar Volkers und Dagmar Olsen, Claudia und Ulrich Wandt, Desireé Woinowski-Guggenmoos, Familie Weber, Gela Weyer, Wolfgang Zierke, Beate Ziethen.

Supporting firms, organisations and schools
Eine Welt Kreis aus Mehring, Bayern
Friends of Hihiri Pipiri Hillsboro, USA
Lebensraum Regenwald e.V. von Roland Zeh, Nürnberg Lions Club Ingelheim e.V.
Midas Pharma GmbH, „Run for Charity“, Ingelheim Maria-Ward-Schule Solidaritätslauf, Altötting,
Montessori Schüler der Jugendstufe, Kuchenverkauf, Nürnberg
Nordseeschule Sankt Peter Ording, Klasse 5b
Realschule Eberbach, Klasse 6 a
Sonnenwasser e.V. von Fritz Strohecker, Strande
Thorsten Görgens GmbH, Köln
Wortwechsel Verlag von Ulrike Steffen, Neumünster

Yanomami-Sponsorlauf „Run for Charity“ in Ingelheim

Yanomami sponsorship run “Run for Charity” in Ingelheim

How does it go on?
Of course I’m not going to retire from my work for the Yanomami even though as from September 2024 at the age of 66 I’m offically an “old age pensioner”.
I’d be glad for any help and support from anywhere for my work with the Yanomami.
I’d like to carry on my lectures and evening events in Germay and worldwide. Particularly pupils and students are interested in various lifestyles despite their beloved smartphones with which they spend a lot of time digital in internet.

This month (Feb. 2024) the  Yanomami organisation Kurikama of Rio Marauía in Pukima is planning a large gathering which we are going to support from Yanomami-Hilfe e.V. They are going to discuss their porblems, look for solutions and with letters to ministries in Brazilia. These gatherings are very important for the Yanomami as they feel only together in a group they can achieve something good for their rights.

Dankeschön für eure weitere Unterstützung

Thank you for your continued support


Dear Yanomami friends

we achieved quickly and effectivly tho build another Health station in the jungle.

I believe in these rather horrible times, what with all the wars and destructions going on, we buildt up something worth wide.

Many thanks to Sofia and Russ, who spontaneousjumped in and finished the work. Muito obrigadissmo!

I wish you all a peacefull and relaxed 2025.
Christina Haverkamp
With thankful regards



Yanomami-Hilfe e.V., Hökerberg 1, 24241 Blumenthal, Telefon 0 43 47 – 70 81 34
E-Mail: office[at], Internet:
Sparkasse Mittelholstein, IBAN DE 08 2145 0000 0003 3882 28